
Jennifer Lloyd
Memorial Candle Tribute From
Ocker-Putman Funeral Homes
"We are honored to provide this Book of Memories to the family."
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Condolence From: Joe, Shelley, Mason, Drake and Rhiannon
Condolence: I love you all. From the bottom of my heart I am so very sorry for your tragic loss. Jen was a good kid and I will miss her dearly. I will pray for you all. My heart aches for you and your loss.
I'm so so sorry. Please know my family is here for each and every one of the Lloyds.
Monday November 30, -0001
Condolence From: Brandon, Crissy, Lane & LeAnn Inge
Condolence: I know there are no comforting words at this time. I wish I could find the words to express my sympathy. Jenny was such a beautiful, sweet, caring girl we will never understand her death during this life, but we know she is in God's hands now and we’ll learn the reason when we see her again in Heaven. These are the times we must lean on our faith and our families and if any of you need anything please don’t hesitate to call. Please know you all are in our thoughts and prayers. We love you guys!
Monday November 30, -0001
Condolence From: Lisa & Steve Tinney
Condolence: Words cannot express our deepest sympathy. Jenny was a sweet and caring young girl. I always enjoyed seeing her at my house and talking with her. My heart aches for her family and friends. I know she was loved dearly by many. The Lord called her home so soon in her life, it is so hard to understand. She will always have a place in our hearts. Her smile was the sweetest ever. Our family is praying for her family and all of the aching hearts.
Lisa & Steve Tinney
Monday November 30, -0001
Condolence From: Sandra Carlisle
Condolence: My heart aches for all of you during this time. Words cannot express how sorry I am that you are going through such a trying situation. God has seen it fit for Jenny to come home to him.

Nancy and David what a beautiful young lady you brought into the world. Nancy she looks just like I remember you looking. I will be praying for God to comfort you and your families.
Monday November 30, -0001
Condolence From: Stephanie (Berry) Bradshaw
Condolence: Nancy, David, family and friends,

I can only imagine the pain and suffering that you are feeling at this time. My heart aches thinking about what you must be going through. The loss of a loved one is NEVER easy .. especially a child. God has called Jenny home for some reason (way too early) but hopefully, you will find out why, some day. I will pray for strength and courage for all of Jenny's family and friends because I know this is a devastating loss to all. I wish I had the words to help remove some of the pain you are feeling but all I can offer is love and prayers. I will be thinking and praying for you all. In God's Love .... Stephanie (Berry) Bradshaw
Monday November 30, -0001
Condolence From: kristen
Condolence: Jen,you didn't know me that well, but I want you to know that I love you and I'm going to miss you a lot but you will be in my heart and everyone's to! You'r not really gone cause you will live through each and everyone of us! we just want you to know that you are not going to be-for-goten> WE WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU JEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday November 30, -0001
Condolence From: Stinten,Latroyia,Angela,Tanya,Jamy,Shannon & the rest of the Parks family
Condolence: There is nothing that I could say that would make this any easier and that is what is so hard.It is hard feeling helpless. My heart aches for your family! We all are deeply sorry for your loss! Jenny will be in our hearts forever and deeply missed. May God be with you and carry you through this tragedy.Please let us know if you need anything at all.
Monday November 30, -0001
Condolence From: Richard Jones
Condolence: Please accept my heartfelt concern at this time of loss.I work with Ray in Jacksonville and want to send special prayers to the entire family.
Monday November 30, -0001
Condolence From: Justin & April Burrough
Condolence: We love you guys and are constantly praying for you. She will truly be missed. What a blessing she was while she was here.
All our love and prayers are with you!

Justin, April, & Ethan Burrough
Monday November 30, -0001
Condolence From: David and Amy (Renfro) Hale, and Danny Ray
Condolence: We are so very sorry for your loss, and we are praying for all of you. I have been told that God only picks the prettiest flowers, and now with Jennifer at his side, he is sitting with the most beautiful of all.

God Bless and be with each of you. David and Amy (Renfro) Hale and Danny
Monday November 30, -0001

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